Community Educational agreement
Philosophy Academy: Community Contract
I am consenting to the educational contract by Achilles Justice to participate in his educational community program and follow the rules of the program. Some of the rules may seem redundant for most people but the Community Contract is written for a general audience that can fall anywhere on the mental health spectrum.
I have read and understand the Social Phalanx chapter of Achilles book and understand the responsibilities of being a member. I understand that the purpose of living in this house is to grow as an individual and as a group which includes doing a weekly class to learn skills of proactive mental health and wellbeing. I understand that the process of growth entails behavioural modification and I am willing to accept feedback and observational critiques from Achilles and the group for the purpose of growth.
Personal Hygiene, Nutrition and Exercise
I agree to keep myself clean including brushing my teeth, showering, doing my own laundry. I will make an effort to exercising 3-4 days a week including cardio, stretching and strength training. I understand the benefits that exercise has for my body and my mind. I will make a conscious effort to meet my body's nutritional needs by eating balanced intake of food throughout the day. I will also be mindful of my intake of alcohol and junk food such that my body is healthy. I understand how not eating properly can negatively affect my mental health so I will make a conscious effort towards eating healthy.
Mental Health
I agree to make an effort to meditate for 10 mins twice a day on my own or with others in the community. I understand that meditation has dramatic positive benefits for my physical and mental health.
I agree to discuss with others if I am not feeling well or upset about something. I understand that Achilles role is to conflict management and rent for the members of the community and I will go to him if I ever have a problem.
I understand that if my problems persist and are beyond Achilles’ ability to deal with independently, he will guide me to the appropriate mental health professional so I can have the support I need to deal with my problems. I understand that I am ultimately responsible for my own mental health and wellbeing.
Achilles has developed a program to teach my how to build a life where I am able to live it to its fullest. However, I understand that I must take action and put effort into my own habits and thoughts for the potential of my wellbeing to become a reality.
Behaviour and Habits
I am willing to accept constructive feedback and criticism from other people in the community. I will not engage in denial, avoidance, lying, or any other kind of manipulative technique to avoid my personal responsibility. I understand that I am in control of myself and when someone else makes an observation of my behaviour that is causing harm to myself or others it is my responsibility to make an effort to change.
I understand that certain behaviours are completely unacceptable and will immediately terminate my occupancy from the community such as stealing, violence, threats, slander, damage to property etc.
Attitudes and Beliefs
Following the same principle of growth, I understand that I am required to learn to be reasonable in the things that I communicate and decisions that I make. If someone questions something that I say or believe, I am required to explain myself in a respectful and reasonable manner. Part of the purpose of living in this type of community is to refine my own beliefs and ideas through conversational pressure from others. I am expected to be transparent and honest as long as it is ethical to do so.
Emotional Responsibility
Everyone becomes emotional from time to time. I am prepared to understand and accept responsibility for my emotions. I am willing to make an effort to understand my emotions, talk about them, and take actions to increase my wellbeing. We do not expect emotional perfection but see emotional outbursts or setbacks as opportunities for growth.
Social Responsibility
I understand that I have a social responsibility to the other people that I live with in the community. If i notice that someone is upset, I will take initiative to talk to that person to offer social and emotional support.
We sometimes share resources if someone is low on finances for food and in need of help. Everyone is expected to pay back their debts to others who have helped them and an account will be kept on file to determine what is owed to who. We will not allow anyone to starve in our community.
Weekly Classes
I agree to participate in the weekly classes offered by Achilles. These classes are mandatory to live in the community. I will learn emotional intelligence, critical thinking, meditation, and much more in these classes. I am prepared to do my weekly readings for the class so I can optimize my learning. I am also prepared to purchase the books necessary for the course as they are needed. If I am not comfortable with participating in the weekly classes or am unwilling to set time aside for the classes, living in this community is not for me.
Food and Cooking
I understand that I have the option to share in cooking responsibilities with other members in the community. This means that I will take responsibility for cooking meals for everyone in the house who does not have dietary restrictions. Shared cooking responsibilities cuts down on time for each individual member and is cost effective in terms of grocery shopping. For the food that is shared, we will be splitting the cost of the groceries.
Utilities and Supplies for the House
Everyone in the house will split the cost of utilities hydro, gas, water, internet and will also split the cost of house supplies like cleaning products or garbage bags.
House Cleanliness
I agree to keep the bathroom clean including the shower/ bathtub, toilet, floor and sink on a weekly basis. I will alternate this responsibility with the roommates that share the bathroom with me. If I make a mess in the toilet or sink, I will manage my time to make sure that I clean it immediately. I will also make sure that I do not rinse hair down the drain of the bathtub or the sink for it will clog the drain. If the drain is clogged, I will coordinate with the roommates who predominantly use my bathroom to buy Drain-O to unclog the sink and take steps to practice not rinsing hair in the future.
I agree to keep my personal living quarters clean to prevent infestations of insects and bacteria. This includes my personal laundry, making sure that dirty dishes are brought to the kitchen and rinsed off, and any garbage is property organized for waste management.
I agree to make a sustained effort to wash my dishes as soon as I use them and at the maximum not leave dishes for more than 24 hrs to be washed. I will at the minimum rinse my dishes and put the organic waste in the garbage bag in the freezer so no flies accumulate in the summertime. I will also keep the stove and oven clean as I use it. I will make an effort to not clutter the fridge because it is being used by many people. I will throw away spoiled food so it does not take up space in the fridge.
I agree to keep my shoes organized when I enter the house in the proper shoe area. Certain seasonal times, like when it is raining or when there is snow on the ground, I understand that water, mud and snow can be tracked into the house. I will maintain responsibility for any mess that I bring into the house from my footwear.
Every Tuesday it is either garbage or recycling day. The best time to put the waste outside is the night before. I will coordinate with the other roommates or take initiative myself to make sure that the waste is properly organized from all areas in the house and placed in the proper bin then put at the curb Monday evening.
I will make an effort to be mindful of my laundry and not leave it in the washer or dryer. The washing machine door is to be left slightly open so that mould does not begin to grow inside of it. If the washer door is closed, moisture will build up in the washing machine and black mould will grow, stinking up all of our clothing. I will check all the pockets of my clothing to make sure that nothing that goes in the washing machine and dryer will damage them. If I break the washing machine or dryer, it is my responsibility to have them fixed or replaced. I am to check with other roommates if they leave laundry in the washing machine before putting the laundry into the dryer. Some clothing can be damaged if put into the dryer. If I am unable to transfer my clothing into the dryer, I will make an effort to ask another roommate if they are able to do it for me. If i find clothing that is dried in the dryer, I will put the clothing in the roommates basket and leave it near their bedroom.
Achilles Office
If I am interested in reading a book from the library, I am allowed to read it in the house only. I am not allowed to take the book out of the house. I will make an effort to put the book where I found it on the shelf when I am finished. I will be mindful of how Achilles has organized his books and be respectful of his library.
I am also aware that Achilles may do counselling sessions in his upstairs office area. If he has a client upstairs, I am to leave him and his client alone to respect the clients’ privacy.
I understand that Achilles Office is for his use primarily but I may ask him for permission to hang out in his space. If I am distracting achilles while he is doing work, I understand that he may ask me to give him space so he can focus.
I understand that Achilles is a musician and will be practicing vocals daily and with his band at least once a week. Achilles will be respectful of my schedule but I must be aware that he has found this house primarily so that he can practice his music without complaint. If people are sleeping Achilles will limit his practice to humming.
Xanadu is the house cat. I will be friendly to Xanadu. I understand that it is dangerous for Xanadu to be outside for other animals and car pose a great threat to his life. I will ensure that I keep all doors and accessible windows closed so that Xanadu does not escape the house. If I believe that Xanadu has escaped the house, it is my responsibility to bait him back into the house with treats. Leaving Xanadu outside is not acceptable. I will also inform Achilles if he is home that Xanadu escaped and he will help me bring Xanadu back to safety.
Cleaning Xanadu is Achilles responsibility and if the litter box needs to be cleaned, I will simply remind Achilles and he will do so.
Community members are allowed to bring guests over to the house as long as the guest to not violate any of the rules of the house or cause harm in terms of stealing, violence, emotional outbursts, substance abuse etc. If the guests are well behaved there will be no problems. If the guests do cause problems, Achilles will contact 911 and have the guest permanently removed from the property.
Grievances and Conflict Resolution
I understand that if my habits, behaviour, thoughts, or ideas are ever an issue with the harmony of the community, I will be asked to take responsibility in learning a new way of acting or looking at the world. I understand that if I do not accept responsibility for behaviour or thoughts, I will violate my place within the community and will have to find a new place to live. The community will help me in finding a new place to stay if there comes a point where I am unable to follow through with the growth value system.
If there is ever an issue that members of the community are required to solve, there is a procedure that is useful to follow to ensure that everyone is being treated fairly. Citing evidence of the event or issue is important so that the conflict resolution is based on facts. Not attributing blame to one person without having observed directly an issue or providing evidence such that the person in question can learn from their mistake without negatively affecting their self-esteem.
The social report tool is very useful to keep track of what issues or problematic behaviours occur over time so that one does not have to rely on memory. The social report is basically an attempt to unbiasedly report what happened. If a specific member shows a consistent behavioural pattern, it will present itself over the course of many social reports from different people and is difficult to deny.
If the person who is raising the claim is of sound mind, they can write a social report and approach the individual themselves. If the person who is making the claim is not of sound mind due to an emotional bias, then is it best to ask a third party mediator to negotiate the resolution so emotions are not directed in an abusive way.
During the conflict resolution stage, the person who is of most sound mindedness who is also the most competent to resolve the situation is the best suited to do so. Individuals who have questionable behaviour are to openly discuss either their lack of awareness or unrestrained habit towards the end of constructive modification. Focusing on the mistake at hand is the primary objective of the resolution and not engaging in distorted thinking that could reduce one’s self esteem. The job the mediator is to ensure that distortions are in check via critical thinking and the 10 distortions listed by David Burns.
If the person who is acting in ways that disrupt the community does not accept responsibility for their behaviour and persists without changing after being explained how their negligence is problematic, they will be violating the essential quality of living in the community. The purpose of living in the community is to accept feedback from others and use that feedback to grow. If an individual does not take information from others and incorporate it into their development, they will be asked to find a new place to live for they will be disrupting the harmony of the community by not taking personal responsibility and upholding the value and tradition of growth.
It is understandable that everyone has different learning curves when it comes to changing habits and the purpose of the community is to facilitate the process of growth. In group settings, people can grow much faster as seen in situations with athletes and coaches. The community is modeled off of a positive emotionally reinforced environment. The main quality that members share is the willingness to grow and change. As long as each member is open to growth, the community will find a way to help them in that process.
Service Fee/Rent
I understand that I am responsible to pay for a monthly service fee that includes my rent and the cost of class time. I am to pay first and last month’s rent at the beginning of my stay and to give at least a month’s notice to the community if I plan on leaving. The cost will be based on the room I will be staying in and will vary depending on need.
© Achilles Atlas Justice and, 2018-21. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Achilles Atlas Justice and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.