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political campaign Management

1. Situational Appraisal

     The world is in a position where we need leadership that is based on competency and being a role model. We live in a time with an awareness of the underlying cognitive, social and motivational factors that affect the democratic decision of countries. These factors in our human nature, being manipulated, has created an opportunity for incompetent individuals to be legitimately voted into positions of power. 

     The Biden Administration needs an effective response to reduce the coercive manipulation of the US citizens by assessing the existing biases which influence decision making factors and implement a social program to counteract their negative effects. 

We have recently seen D. Trump utilized these psychological mechanisms throughout his term as president and has now created a situation where these factors are being used against Biden as President-elect. 

     It is of utmost urgency for the Biden Administration to take action immediately on the brief list of psychological factors here but also more throughout the agreed term of the retainer for the consulting purposes.

Brief Table of Underlying Psychological Factors, Relevance to Trump and News Reference.
2. Objectives

According to our mutual agreement, the objectives for this project are: 

  • Create a training program for agents to go out into the field to teach critical thinking, scientific literacy, and social science using app technology and web based modules. 

  • Establish tax percentage write off system as incentive for those who participate in the social/ critical skills educational awareness program 

  • Develop web based training modules, contend and consulting services for all business to facilitate the skills and training in the workplace 

  • Foster social cohesion events that nurtures critical thinking between difference groups and participate in all existing cultural events 

Each of these outcomes will provide the Biden Administration greater control over unforeseen psychological factors which are affecting our freedoms and liberties.

3. Metrics

To measure the progress of each of the objectives, these metrics will be used: 

  • Follow up weekly on the progress of the training program and its development. Each month reassess progress based on projected completion within 1 year. 

  • Follow each stage of development for incentive programs, troubleshooting and delivery. Make weekly progress reports and meet if necessary to modify the course of action. 

  • Follow reporting and course adjustment strategy for development. Have representatives invite workplaces to participate for the business incentive program. 

  • Donate for fundraisers and events and develop social media feed based on community involvement. 

Most of the measurement will be tracked weekly and adjustments made when necessary.

hat the organization is put together is more important than the specific functioning of one individual member.  Developing skills in how the members of the organization interact with each other boosts the talents of each specific member. 

     The actual problem is the paradigm shift from the old method of interaction to a new one by modifying the interactions between colleagues. When people in positions of power model effective leadership they change the overall effectiveness of the group and the satisfaction of each individual.

4. Value

The ROI on the objectives are stipulated here: 

  • Provide accessibility to the general population to educating themselves about cognitive, social and motivational biases that affect their decision making process, perception and beliefs 

  • Give voters greater autonomy in understanding the content of political leaders statements and understanding the social and situational factors that requires political action 

  • Prevent tyrants, dictators, and other incompetent individuals using societies psychological weakeness’ against them to gain political power 

  • Protect the civil liberties in the U.S. constitution by giving people the power of a critical mind that cannot be duped into fallacious thinking and manipulation

  • Create social harmony and reduce division through racism, prejudice and stereotyping by giving people the intellectual tools and awareness to see similarities first when confronted with an ‘outsider’ 

  • Give people a defense against propaganda and fake news, ensuring that they are not swayed by authoritarian figures with dubious claims and false information 

These six value statements will be fulfilled by the four objectives determined through our conceptual agreement valued at 1.2 billion dollars based on half the buyer’s previous estimate.

5. Methodology and Options

Here we show progressive solutions which the client can choose from. 


Option 1: Create and Begin

We will:

  • Complete the curriculum and training module development 

  • Develop the web app and test application and user interface

  • Determine logistics of areas of need and map how to implement street program

  • Develop social contact with employers and deliverable method 

  • Develop tax incentives program, test and get ready for launch 

  • Coordinate social outreach and prepare community involvement program for launch


Option 2: Management 

In addition to Option 1, we will:

  • Oversee management of all programs to make quick and effective judgments to ensure highest quality outcome

  • Maintain presence throughout the first three years of development to make sure necessary course adjustment strategies are made then appropriate 

  • Keep educational content and training uptodate by modifying and changing parts of the program relative to advancements in best practices 

  • Supervise top members of each team providing coaching and mentoring 


Option 3: Sustainability and Retained Consultant 

In addition to Option 1 and 2, we will: 

  • Once program has successfully been implemented, maintain relationship to ensure the success of the program in changing times

  • Continue consultant relationship for the program offering advice and coaching whenever needed

6. Timing

Appropriate times need for completion of the highest quality: 

  • Option 1: 1 year

  • Option 2: 3 years after completion of Option 1

  • Option 3: Contract renewal every 6 months after Option 2

7. Joint Accountabilities

What the buyer and the consultant are each accountable for. 

You will

  • Provide the necessary security clearance 

  • Provide an on site office with internet access 

  • Allow for use of the cafeteria or provide a daily food expense budget

  • Act as the ‘Project Champion,’ who advocates, acts like a role model and creates opportunities for collaboration and cooperation 

  • Provide an necessary information 

  • Resolve and internal disputes within your staff that may arise during the project 


I will

  • Sign any nondisclosure documents 

  • Conduct my own interviews and focus groups 

  • Hold bi-monthly debriefing meetings with you at least by phone or zoom

  • Respond to you by phone within 3 hrs during regular business hours in shared time zones 

  • Conduct my own meetings at specific locations 


We both will

  • Inform each other about any developments that relate to the project’s success and or failure.

8. Terms and Conditions
  • The fee for Option 1 is 80, 000, 000$ 

  • The fee for Option 2 is 250, 000, 000$

  • The fee for Option 3 is 300, 000, 000$ 


  • The client must deposit 50% of the proposal upon acceptance and within 45 days the client must deposit the remaining 50%. A 10% discount is offered to those who pay the full 100% upon acceptance. 

Expense Reimbursement

  • The client is billed monthly for expenses and is to be paid upon receiving the invoice. All travel and food accommodations are billed. 


  • All agreements and fees are non cancelable. The guarantee from my end is in the quality of my work, not the results of the conceptual agreement.

9. Acceptance

This proposal constitutes the contract between Achilles Justice consulting services and the Biden Administration to implement the social science and critical thinking educational program. 


Your signature or payment indicates your agreement with the terms and conditions outlined earlier and represents the Launch of this project:


Pick one: Option 1__    Option 2__    Option 3__


Choose one: 50% deposit__        Full fee with 10% discount__


For the Biden Administration:       For Achilles Justice:


______________________               _________________

Name: Joe Biden                           Name: Achilles Justice 


Title: President of the U.S.            Title: President Consultant 


Date: ______________                  Date: _________________

10. References

Selective Memory: 

1.  Lee, Carol E.. Alexander, Peter. Alba, Monica. Jackson, Hallie.  “Trump may accept results but never concede he lost, aides say.”  ABC News 11.11.20



2. Gilovich, Thomas. “How We Know What Isn’t So.” The Free Press. New York. 1991


3. CNBC News Video. “Trump refuses to accept election results, says it’s ‘far from over’ 7.11.20


4. Lee, Carol E.. Alexander, Peter. Alba, Monica. Jackson, Hallie. “Trump may accept results but never concede he lost, aides say.”  ABC News 11.11.20


Ingroup vs Outgroup:

5. Madhani, Aamer “Trump turns virus conversation into 'US vs. THEM' debate” Associated Press, ABC News. 19.6.2020


Social Identity Theory: 

6. Tajfel, H., Turner, J. C., Austin, W. G., & Worchel, S. (1979). An integrative theory of intergroup conflict. Organizational identity: A reader, 56-65.


7. Deliso, Meredith. “Trump and Republicans have asked states to stop counting votes before.” ABC News. 7.11.2020


8. Crosse, Jacob. “Arkansas police chief resigns after calling on social media for execution of “Marxist Democrats”” WSWS.ORG 10.11.2020


Fake News:

9. Liptak, Kevin. Raju, Manu. Borger, Gloria. Diamond, Jeremy. “Trump digs deeper into debunked conspiracy theories instead of embracing reality.”  CNN 20.11.20


10. Trump, Donald. Twitter Post. “Fake Ballots.” 22.11.20


Plausibility Distortion:

11. Chaggaris, Steve. “Donald Trump still believes US election was ‘rigged’.” Aljazeera.  25.11.20


12. Proposal Template

Weiss, Alan. “Million Dollar Consulting” Fifth Edition.Toronto. mcGraw Hill. 2016

© Achilles Atlas Justice and, 2018-21. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Achilles Atlas Justice and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.


Achilles Atlas Justice

Toronto, ON


Tel: 416-795-5754​

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