Client Counsellor Relationship
Philosophical Counselling assumes that the client is engaged in their own self-therapeutic process for the counsellor does not offer psychotherapy.
The client-counsellor relationship is like a professional relationship between two scientists. The scientists agree on some hypothesis then try to disprove it, bringing their theories in closer approximation to reality or the truth. This scientific model is analogous to how the client-counsellor relationship will function.
An imbalance in this relationship exists in the case that the counsellor has more experience in this type of discussion, more education on specific subjects, access to private information of the client, and the counselor is of sound mind and emotionally stable. This imbalance is what makes the relationship between the client and the counsellor professional and the counsellor must respect the autonomy and rights of the client. The professional status holds that confidentiality and social boundaries must be kept between the client and counsellor to alleviate the imbalance.
Due to the nature of the client-counsellor relationship, no sexual relationship will ever exist while the client is in distress for it is illegal. Other forms of social relationships, like friendships, can exist while the professional relationship of client-counsellor is present. The stringent boundaries on relationships between client and counsellor exist to protect the client and the counsellor from abuse. If the client wishes to have a social relationship like a friendship, or already has a pre-existing friendship, a written consent form must be signed. This consent form outlines the boundaries between the two types of relationships, social and professional and recognizes that no sexual relationship or dependency exists.
The confidentiality must not be compromised in the spectrum of a social relationship. The counsellor must keep in secret the information disclosed in the counselling sessions and the nature of the client-counsellor relationship. The client decides what is confidential and has the right to discuss the contents of the professional relationship with others. The counsellor must keep in confidence any and all information unless otherwise specified.
The counselling sessions come to an end usually by the will of the client or if the client has problems that arise which are out of the counsellor’s scope to deal with. If issues are out of the scope of the counsellor, the counsellor will recommend the client to see an alternative healthcare practitioner who is qualified to help the client with the issues they are having. The other thing which will lead to termination of the counselling relationship is if the client becomes violent, uses threats, verbally or physically, or harasses the counsellor, their staff, or their family. As the counsellor, I retain the right to terminate the counselling relationship if these problems occur. The client always has a right to refuse any recommendations the counsellor offers.
The only time the cousellor will break confidentiality is if someone, yourself or another, is in imminent danger of harm, the intent to cause harm, or the existence of child abuse. Confidentiality applies to spoken, electronic or any other medium information is transmitted. Emails are not necessarily completely confidential because information is kept in the log of your internet service provider and could be read by system administrator(s). An administrator is very unlikely to read emails however I must make you aware of the risk even if it is low. All emails receives will be kept safeguarded so that the information is protected from unwanted viewers.
The counsellor will respect the confidentiality of the client, unless consent to include another individual in the sessions is given in writing to the counsellor by the client. This can be used for group counselling or having someone join the discussion(s). All information disclosed by the client is strictly confidential.
If two or more people are being counselled during one session, what is said in that session is confidential to those during that session. If, in the future, group members choose to have independent sessions, only the group session is open for discussion to those specific clients. Confidentiality is limited to those who participate and thus a client cannot inquire about other clients’ individual counselling sessions unless otherwise specified by both parties.
Records will be kept by the counsellor as a memory aid, to use for further research and as an integral part of the structured counselling process. All of these records are available to you and corrections can be made to the records if an error has occurred. If you are not interested in having records kept, this type of evidence based counselling may not be right for you. Keeping objective records is extremely important as they are used as data to build the theory the counsellor and client use to assist the client. If you go to another healthcare provider, you may request those records be sent to that person.
Are there Risks?
The client understands that dealing with sensitive issues may harbour negative emotions. The counsellor is prepared to deal with any issues/problems, within the scope of the counsellor’s ability, using the Philosophical Counselling method. The client understands that the counselling sessions are voluntary and any decisions made on the client’s part are their responsibility alone.
The client understands that the nature of counselling can bring about negative emotions. There is a risk of experiencing negative emotions during the sessions but, if properly dealt with, the client can break through the obstructions limiting their happiness and overall well-being. This risk, that the client will face negative emotions, does exist and the counsellor is not liable due to the emotional nature which illuminates itself during counselling. The counsellor’s role is to help guide the client through the emotional turmoil such that the client regains control.
Client Responsibilities
The client has certain responsibilities to the counsellor and the agreement they share. The counsellor will hold scheduled discussions/sessions with the client. These sessions will predominantly take place over the phone unless otherwise specified. Fees will vary based on medium of the counselling session. For example, private in-person session are a higher rate than phone calls. The fees listed are assumed for phone-call sessions. Having phone call sessions as the primary medium of counselling allows the counsellor and client to not have to be in the same geographical location as well save time and money on transportation.
The client must be on time for the scheduled session. The counsellor has the right to terminate the session if the client is not of sound mind. The client and counsellor must give the other 24hrs notice if a cancellation or rescheduling is needed. If the client is late, the session will still end at the same time. If the client does not cancel within the 24 hour timeframe, the client will be charged for the time the counsellor has set aside. The 24h window does not apply in emergency situations.
If the client is in need of an ‘emergency’ session, the counsellor has the discretion to allow the session to take place however the client will be charged double the hourly rate for the unscheduled discussion. If there is an emergency that the counsellor cannot remedy, the client must contact 911, CAMH or Toronto Distress Center.
The sessions must be paid in advance for the scheduled time block via online banking e-transfer. If the client pays for sessions in advance or has a payment plan, the client will not have to wait for confirmation of payment. Confirmation of payment is also necessary in emergency situations. So, if the client anticipates they will utilize the emergency situation service, it may be wise to pay for one emergency situation in advance as a retainer. The client will be given an invoice which has a record of the used sessions and unused credit.
Counselling is not covered by insurance so the fee must be covered by the client. The fees are determined by the way the counselling takes place by phone, agreed location or office and/or client residence.
The counsellor is willing to address text messages or emails. However, if these forms of contact go beyond 15 minutes a week, the client will be charged for the time that is being used. During the counselling sessions, the client will be reminded of when the session is about to expire. If the client wishes to continue the session beyond the scheduled session, it will be prorated to the set hourly rate.
Both positive and negative feedback is important for the counsellor to have a better sense of what works and what needs improvement. If there is something that you found very helpful, let the counsellor know. If you are unsatisfied with any part of the counselling process, you are encouraged to bring it to my attention right away. This feedback will allow me to improve and critically evaluate my own methods but it will also aid you as I can respond to your query in time.
Counselling Fees
Philosophical Counselling with Achilles is set at a rate of 250$/h. If the client qualifies for compassionate counselling, there will be a fixed rate or sliding scale based on the client’s income. If the client qualifies for compassionate counselling the client agrees to compensate the reduced rate by exchanging weekly marketing tasks. The agreed upon tasks will be included in the Achilles Justice Philosophical Counselling Client Consent Form. All rates will be agreed between both the counsellor and the client in advance and written in the Achilles Justice Philosophical Counselling Client Consent Form.
The client has the choice to prepay for emergency counselling sessions, as a retainer, if they need to communicate with the counsellor at a time of their convenience that is unscheduled. The emergency hourly rate is double the agreed upon rate.
If the counsellor has time available, each session can be extended and will use up time from the counselling package. In some instances, it may be more constructive to talk for 3 hours instead of the mandatory scheduled time of 1 hour to concretely solve an issue. This choice is left up to the client to use their banked hours and the counsellor to confirm that they are free to do fulfill the extended needs of the client.
Clients can choose to prepay for sessions will get a 1 hour session, valued at 250$ at no charge, if they choose to prepay for up to 12 sessions or 3 months in advance.
If you referred someone to the counsellor, you receive a 30 minute scheduled counselling session, valued at 125$ at no charge. The counselling session will take place once the explication of services and confidentiality document signed. Please indicate the name of the referral in the Achilles Justice Philosophical Counselling Client Consent Form.
I, the client, understand the above conditions which outline the relationship and contract for Philosophical Counselling by Achilles Atlas Justice. I agree to make payments in advance for sessions and be ready to engage in sessions on time. I understand that the counsellor, Achilles Atlas Justice, is not liable for decisions I make from the sessions and I hold responsibility for my actions. I understand that if I need help in an emergency I must contact 911.
I will indicate the agreed upon rate for the counselling retainer in the Achilles Justice Philosophical Counselling Client Consent Form. The fee will will be paid in advance through etransfer to connect@achillesjusticecom. I will be provided a password from Achilles after signing the Achilles Justice Philosophical Counselling Client Consent Form.
Counsellor: Achilles Atlas Justice