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     Provide professional skills and training necessary to master the elements of the mind. With an understanding of one’s own mind, students develop the skills to live life to the fullest and be their best self. These skills determine one’s effectiveness, productivity and success in the workplace and life in general. 

     The strategic direction for training is based on coherent philosophical principles applied by relevant psychological facts. Philosophy of Mastermind: Focus on the quality of training to produce skilled competence. 

     Mastermind facilitates students to develop the skills needed for optimal performance and productivity. Students will be able to develop action plans utilizing the content and training learned in the program. Training will shorten decision making times, prevent/reduce conflict and increase organizational effectiveness.


     Mastermind is a unique training program that focuses on the development of psychological skills and philosophical principles needed to function in any business or life situation.

     The 12 month educational training program develops essential skills focused on 5 key areas: Organizational Learning and Development, the Mind, Feelings, Relationships, and Independent Professionalism. Developing an understanding in these areas creates a comprehensive skill set that only increases the performance and productivity.

     Anyone who practices these skills will have a transcendent change in their lives. The program will give organizations and companies the opportunity to develop an advanced corporate culture promoting well-being, performance and productivity.

Informational and behavioural training

     The faculty of the mind is fundamental in all human experience. Giving people education and training in this faculty only enhances performance and productivity. Training positively affects all aspects of life.

     The essence of training is based on behaviour. Unless students are practicing skills in these programs, they are not actually training. Informational education is important, however, is not fully adequate to prepare individuals for conflicting or ambiguous situations under stress. Even if someone has technical certification, they may not possess the psychological strength to enact best practices, principles or ethics. 

     To fully prepare someone to perform in a context, similar training contexts that the student can practice in greatly increases their chances of successful performance. An example module during training would be actors hired to emulate different emotionally charged situations. Students are observed and marked on how to deal with different situations and emotional states. 

Program Curriculum

Integrative System Outline:

Organizational Learning and Development 

  1. Principle of Organizational Growth 

    • Efficient Cooperation vs Healthy Competition 

    • Best Conditions for Effective Learning and Maximizing Performance

    • Optimized Learning Rewards  

  2. Individuals, Groups, and Organization's Ability to Update/Learn New and Existing Information and Skills


The Mind 

  1. Faculties

    • Attention

    • Memory 

  2. Applications 

    • Decision Making 

    • Critical Thinking 



  1. Emotional Intelligence

    • Self/Other Attitude and Emotional Management 

  2. Health and Wellness 

    • Scientific Benefits of Meditation 

    • Science of Willpower 

    • Prosocial Group Dynamics 



  1. Employer/Employee

  2. Social

    • Building Networks 

    • Effective Working Relationships 

    • Group Productivity 

  3. Negotiating and Influencing 

    • Social Science of Influence 

    • Negotiation 

  4. Communication 


Independent Professionalism 

  1. Professionalism in all Workplace Contexts and Situations 

  2. Ethical Principles 

  3. Virtuous Behaviour 

    • Honesty, Integrity, Credibility, Self-Confidence

  4. Situational Conditioning 

    • Tolerating Ambiguity 

    • Conflicts of Interest 

    • Protecting Public View

Appendix A: History

     Mastermind has been developed from 12 years of research and practice in psychology and philosophy. The unification of the ideas and skills have been tested through the creation of two educational programs and a community live-in program.


Philosophy Society: Thunder Bay 2007 - 2012 

The philosophy school at Lakehead University taught critical thinking and social science. The program was very successful in treating people with mental health issues by teaching them skills of communication, critical thinking, emotional management, and more. The dynamics of the class placed pressure on students to grow in ways necessary for the development of proactive skills that lead to a healthy mind. 


Philosophy Academy: Toronto 2016 - 2019

The second school was focused on training the core skills in emotional management and prosocial conflict resolution. This program focused on courses like the Philosophy of Burn’s CBT and Steven Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Students would go over all the highlighted material in the texts weekly. 


Community Live-In Education: Toronto 2013 - 2019

The community based program is an inhouse learning environment where instructors live with people who are interested in training a healthy mind. Members learn to apply information gained from class while under many different situational factors and mental stress. The skills community members learn from the educational program directly correlates with one’s ability to successfully deal with difficult situations. An example of a principle used in the program is ‘problem solving is best when all parties interests are understood and accommodated.’

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