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Ethical Intimacy

Updated: Dec 31, 2021

This ethical code is for the social philosophy that leads to well-being and a good life. It is used as a guide for relationships that are romantically intimate and friendships.

Intimacy is a relation between an individual and another person; its how you're connected to people. Intimacy is composed of 4 main properties: transparency, reciprocation, vulnerability and dialogue. A person has an intimate relationship with themselves first, then others. If one cannot have a relationship with themselves in terms of each of these properties, their capacity to have a relationship with another will be diminished relative to the property they lack with themselves. Others can sometimes offer a means to know oneself better, however self-awareness is always the foundation for self-knowledge. Any relation between people has degrees of intimacy varying within each property. See Self-Awareness Tool.

Properties of Intimacy

Transparency: to be open and honest with oneself and others.

Vulnerability: to display weakness to oneself and others. Reciprocation: to exchange fair effort to oneself and others. Tit for tat strategy. Dialogue: Self-reflective/reflective dialogue with oneself and others.

Practicing ethical intimacy can offer very stable and reliable relationships that will empower all participating members for growth.

Ethical Principles

Beneficence: Duty to do good. Non-Maleficence: Duty to not cause harm.

Autonomy: Criterion for decision making and state of mind .

I) Knowledge II) Competency III) Freedom Justice: Fairness of effort, rights and opportunity. Utilitarianism: Greatest happiness for the greatest number. Categorical Imperative: Not use others as a means to an end. Respect others autonomy as an end in itself. Universalizability: If an act cannot be universalized to all members, then one ought not do it.


If we follow these ethical principles in the ways we are intimate with one another, we can create authentic relationships as a foundation for the future.

AJ 6.2.18, 13.3.18, 16.5.18, 5.6.18, 19.7.18, 27.3.20

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