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Anonymous Client

“You can go an entire lifetime without ever waking up.”
                                                                                   - Anonymous


It was a raw feeling. It was growing stronger everyday. I could neither explain it, nor put it away. I was on the verge of self-discovery. Or perhaps self-destruction.


As it grew, so did my sense of confusion. I desperately needed someone. But who? Someone to show me the path. No one could walk it for me, I knew.  But the least I could do was seek guidance. Nothing and Nobody helped. And not from a lack of trying. ‘Ignore the feeling’, I thought. But could I?


I had been to the doors of many different psychiatrists. I had tried different books, different paths. I even tried drugs. Legal kind from the psychiatrist and illegal kind from the street.


Everything I tried temporarily numbed the feeling. The feeling however had a way of  catching up with me.


I was like a man who was about to wake up from a long dream. But I couldn't. I  didn’t know how. A chance encounter with Achilles Justice, changed everything. I realised there was more to my life, to my Mind.


The journey since then has been a steady walk to the land of awareness. Many dragons of mental illusion slain. Many lands of mental well being transversed. Let me fast forward to today.


I understand some basic truths about my being. These truths serve as a foundation for a healthy and effective living. They can similarly serve you too. But in their absence, you may sleep walk through your entire life. That would be a tragedy to say the least.


To give you an example, consider the basic fact that all you have, ever had or ever will have, is your Mind.


All you can give others in any real sense is a piece of your Mind.


The source and solution to all your problems is the Mind.


So one of the deepest lessons I acquired through Achilles Justice Counselling has been; the importance of “Mind Training.”


If you can learn to train, the only thing you have or ever will have, the sky’s the limit. You can have more of what you want and need and less of what you don’t.


Don’t wait around because life will slip you by. Ask for help, ask Achilles Justice Counselling before it is too late. Ask and ye shall receive. Like I did.

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