Wellness Retreat
Wellness Retreat Program
The Wellness Retreat is an opportunity to grow as an individual, learn skills for stress management, wellbeing, and coping. This is a time to detox from city life where you will be encouraged to be sober for the weekend: no phones, alcohol, smoking or substances. You will have the opportunity to meet and collaborate with other like-minded individuals who all want to heal, grow and change to be and become their best selves.
Why are you investing in this retreat?
Many people feel overwhelmed with work, family and relationships. Life may feel unbearing and we may not know how to cope or manage the situations we are faced with. People begin to develop problems in mental health like depression, anxiety, existential angst, lack of exercise and substance abuse. This can deteriorate our relationships, leaving us deprived of the intimacy and connection we need for fulfillment.
What will you gain from the retreat?
Weekend, away from the city, at a luxury resort with gourmet food.
Discussion, talk and group activities to teach philosophies, scientific theories, skills and exercises to promote mental health, wellbeing and how to live a good life.
Progress towards certification in Philosophical and Psychological Wellness.
Daily activities to have fun and bond with fellow retreat companions while you reflect, contemplate and think about recent discussion.
Bonding with like-minded people where you can develop lifelong friendships.
Invitation to wellness only group membership to stay in contact with fellow retreat comrades and future retreat members.
Video documentation of the event that you can share with your family and friends.
Hard copy book to facilitate learning.
Science Based
The reason a scientific study may be conducted at the retreat is to prove to you that we made a difference. We will measure the before and after of your progress so that you know objectively an improvement was made. We want to publish these results so that we can show to the world that what we are doing here is actually making a difference for people.
1. Why would I choose this Wellness retreat when it is more expensive than other wellness retreats?
Other wellness retreats are often based in pseudoscience and the placebo effect. This means that the information or activities in those retreats are not actually proven to help you deal with the problems in your life. Our retreat is based on sound philosophical principles and scientific theories in psychology. You will be working towards a certificate based on the learning and training you gain from this retreat.
2) I could spend the same amount of money going on a vacation to a resort or somewhere in Europe.
This is true, you could spend the money elsewhere. You would gain some memories and experience new things. However, you will not gain the wisdom from the program offered in our retreat. The retreat will give you life long skills and wisdom that is scientifically proven to increase the quality of your life by practicing skills that have proven to work. You will learn a sound philosophical outlook on life so that you can guide yourself in difficult situations using coherent principles. The difference between spending money on this retreat and alternative vacations is that what you gain from this retreat will forever change your life and how you manage it. When the vacation from a resort or another country is over, you will have to go back to the same way of life. What is needed is change and we will give you the tools to do that.
Achilles Justice
As the founder, leader and owner of the retreat, Achilles has been practicing and working on mental health for over 15 years. Like a renaissance person of the enlightenment, Achilles is on his 5th degree as he prepares to do his Phd in the Philosophy of Mental Health. Twelve years ago, he founded an educational program called the Philosophy Society, where he teaches weekly about the philosophy of mental health, critical thinking and psychology. He has also facilitated a community housing program for 10 years, helping people with a variety of mental health issues gain greater wellbeing in life.
Achilles is a Philosophical Counselor and you are able to have informal talks with him at the retreat about anything on your mind or set up an official counseling session in the future.
Dr. Oren Amitay
Dr. Oren Amitay, PhD, CPsych (Clinical Psychologist) will be at the retreat, giving talks about positive psychology and the best practices in clinical psychology that increase wellness and mental health. He is a licensed psychologist with a very busy clinical practice he has maintained for over two decades. Dr. Amitay is a university instructor who has taught 20 different courses related to Positive Psychology and Personal Growth, Abnormal/Clinical/Social Psychology, Personality, Human Sexuality, Gender, Research, Psychometrics, Statistics and more, approximately 200 times at 5 different universities.
You will have the opportunity to speak with him informally while at the retreat about anything on your mind and always have the opportunity to set up a formal therapeutic session in the future.
Other Retreat People: These people will change based on the location of the retreat and availability.
Guided Meditation Instructor
Yoga Instructor
Personal Training Instructor
Horseback Instructor
Hiking Guide
The retreat will be located near Toronto. Participants will arrive by 8pm Friday nights and leave Sunday evening around 8pm. Activities and times are subject to change.
8:00 pm - participants arrive and settle into rooms.
8:30 pm - meet in banquet hall for introduction, lecture and discussion
10:00 pm - bonfire socialization and activity
Sunrise(*6:00 am*) - meditation
7:00 am - yoga
8:00 am - aerobic exercise
9:00 am - breakfast buffet
10:00 am - banquet - lecture, discussion
12:00 pm - lunch
1:00 pm - group activity
2:00 pm - free time: hiking, kayak, horseback riding
4:00 pm - lecture discussion
5:00 pm - dinner
6:00 pm - free time (massage)
8:00 pm - lecture discussion activity
10:00 pm - bonfire - group activity
Sunday (repeat schedule from saturday)
- checkout of room at 11am, put possessions in car or luggage area
- leave after final group activity/ discussion at 8pm